Release Date: 14 October 2010
Runtime: 120 min
Genres: Action, Drama
Director: Yôichi Sai
Actor: Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Koyuki, Kaoru Kobayashi, Kôichi Satô, Hideaki Itô, Sei Ashina, Ekin Cheng, Terri Doty, Yûta Kanai, Naoyuki Morita, Shigeru Nakano, Suzuka Ohgo, Panta, Daisuke Ryû, Yukio Sakaguchi
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Description : Once a powerful ninja, Kamui walks away from his violent and murderous ways. His travels bring him to a seashore village where he meets Hanbei, a fisherman who shares the former ninja's sense of honor. Though Hanbei's wife is wary of the stranger, the fisherman and Kamui become good friends. Life at the seaside seems idyllic but Kamui doesn't get to enjoy the peace for very long when, one day, a band of pirates arrive... It seems that his past life is catching up on him, and everything and everyone is not as it seems. Now he must draw upon his shadowy arts if he hopes to escape with his life.
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