
Watch Prometheus Full Movie

Title: Prometheus
Release Date: 8 June 2012
MPAA Rating: R
Runtime: 124 mins
Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Director: Ridley Scott
Actor: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Guy Pearce, Logan Marshall-Green, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall, Emun Elliott, Benedict Wong, Kate Dickie, Branwell Donaghey, Vladimir 'Furdo' Furdik, C.C. Smiff, Shane Steyn, Ian Whyte, John Lebar, Daniel James, Patrick Wilson, Lucy Hutchinson, Giannina Facio, Anil Biltoo, Louisa Staples, James Embree, Florian Robin, Matthew Burgess, Eugene O'Hare, Richard Thomson, Philip McGinley, Jenny Rainsford
Country: USA, UK
Language: English, Gaelic

Description : A team of scientists journey through the universe on the spaceship "Prometheus" on a voyage to investigate Alien life forms. The team of scientists becomes stranded on an Alien world, and as they struggle to survive it becomes clear that the horrors they experience are not just a threat to themselves, but to all of mankind.

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