
Watch Devil Seed Full Movie

Devil Seed Title: Devil Seed (The Devil in Me)
Release Date: 7 August 2012
Runtime: 108 min
Genres: Horror
Director: Greg A. Sager
Actor: Michelle Argyris, Shantelle Canzanese, Vanessa Broze, Kevin Jake Walker, Wayne Conroy, Danielle White, Colin Smith, Dick Vance, Louise Hollingsworth, Alan Branton, Angelina Mueller-Lavictoire, Michael G. Wilmot, David Jeffery, Melissa Patriquin, Sabrina D'Amour
Country: Canada
Language: English

Description : This movie is about Alex, a returning college student who moves in with her girlfriends after the holidays. They go out and have quite a few drinks and on the way home Alex and her friend Jessica go to a psychic where Alex has an episode and freaks out her friend and the psychic. The next day Alex doesn't have any memory of what happened and her friends think there's something going on with her. Over time, she starts having things happen to her, scratches, visions and ultimately rape from some being. Her friends start to worry about her even more and things take a turn for the worst when she loses control. What is inside her, and will they all live?

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