
Watch Livid Full Movie

Livide (2011)
Title: Livid
Release Date: 7 December 2011
Runtime: 88 min
Genres: Fantasy, Horror
Director: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
Actor: Chloé Coulloud, Félix Moati, Jérémy Kapone, Catherine Jacob, Béatrice Dalle, Chloé Marcq, Marie-Claude Pietragalla, Loïc Berthezene, Joël Cudennec, Sabine Londault, Serge Cabon, Nathalie Presles, Adèle Fousse, Roxanne Fillol Gonzalez, Kallia Charon
Country: France
Language: French
Description : It's young Lucy's first day as a trainee in-house caregiver. She visits Mrs Jessel, an old woman who lies in cerebral coma, by herself, in her large desolate house. Learning by accident that Mrs Jessel, a former dance teacher of repute, supposedly possesses a treasure somewhere in the house, Lucy and friends William and Ben decide to search the house in the hope of finding it. At night, they get into the house, which reveals itself to be increasingly peculiar. Their hunt for Mrs Jessel's treasure leads them into a horrifying supernatural series of events that will change Lucy forever.

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