Title: One Missed Call
Release Date: 4 January 2008
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 87 min
Genres: Horror, Thriller, Mystery
Director: Eric Valette
Actor: Shannyn Sossamon, Edward Burns, Ana Claudia Talancón, Ray Wise, Azura Skye, Johnny Lewis, Jason Beghe, Margaret Cho, Meagan Good, Rhoda Griffis, Dawn Dininger, Ariel Winter, Sarah Jean Kubik, Raegan Lamb, Karen Beyer
Language: English
Description : One Missed Call is a 2003 Japanese horror film directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of four horror films directed by Takashi Miike, the other three being Audition, his contribution to the Masters of Horror series, "Imprint", and his segment in the anthology film Three... Extremes, "Box". In 2008, it was remade in the United States: One Missed Call. The two girls attempt to laugh the message off and even share the story with their friends, who are just as clueless as them. She tells her friends that she received the call to her cell phone on Apr 16 at 9:44 p.m. Her cell phone indicated that the message was from Apr 18 at 11:04 p.m. At exactly 11:04 p.m. on April 18, Yumi receives a call from Yoko. During that call, Yoko goes through the very same chit-chat as was on her previous voice mail. As Yumi suddenly realizes what might happen next, she hears Yoko scream into the phone. Suddenly, Yoko is then violently thrown by an invisible force through a chain link fence and onto a speeding commuter train down below just passing by, decapitating her. Then, as Yoko's severed arm still holds the phone, the finger suddenly begins to dial a randomly picked phone number, and she also vomits a strange red candy. Keywords : Watch movie online | Watch One Missed Call online | Online movies | Movies free One Missed Call | One Missed Call online movie | Watch free movie online | Watch One Missed Call online movies | Free Tagalog Movie | Pinoy Movies | Asian Movies | Hollywood Movies | War Movies | Animated Movies | Bollywood Movies | Tagalog movie online | Watch free tagalog movie online Thanks for watching One Missed Call Full Movie
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