
Watch Spy Hard (1996) Full Movie

Spy Hard (1996)
Title: Spy Hard
Release Date: 24 May 1996
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 81 min
Genres: Action, Comedy
Director: Rick Friedberg
Actor: Leslie Nielsen, Nicollette Sheridan, Charles Durning, Marcia Gay Harden, Barry Bostwick, John Ales, Andy Griffith, Elya Baskin, Mason Gamble, Carlos Lauchu, Stephanie Romanov, Joyce Brothers, Ray Charles, Hulk Hogan, Roger Clinton

Description : Secret agent WD-40 Dick Steele (Leslie Nielsen) has his work cut out for him. Along with the mysterious and lovely Veronique Ukrinsky, Agent 3.14, he must rescue the kidnapped Barbara Dahl and stop the evil genius, a General named Rancor (Andy Griffith), from seizing control of the entire world. Rancor was wounded in an earlier encounter and no longer has arms. However, he can "arm" himself by attaching robotic limbs with various weapons attached. Steele is talked out of retirement by an old friend, agent Steven Bishop (Robert Guillaume), and given his new assignment by The Director (Charles Durning), who also is testing out a variety of elaborate disguises. At headquarters, Steele encounters an old agency nemesis, Norm Coleman (Barry Bostwick), and flirts with the Director's adoring secretary, referred to as Miss Cheevus (Marcia Gay Harden).

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