A Halloween themed 22-minute television special, titled Toy Story of Terror!, aired on ABC on October 16, 2013. It was directed by Angus MacLane, produced by Galyn Susman, with Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn, Timothy Dalton, and Kristen Schaal reprising their roles of Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, Mr. Pricklepants, and Trixie with Carl Weathers as Combat Carl and Stephen Tobolowsky as the motel manager.[22] Michael Giacchino composed the music for the special. The film's soundtrack was released on October 15, 2013, on in digital format. The special follows the toys on their road trip, when an unexpected event leads them to a roadside motel. After one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate.
The toys go on a road trip, when an unexpected event leads them to a roadside motel, after one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious, monstrous, and terrifying sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate.
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