
Watch Outpost 11 (2012 English Movie) Full Movie

Director: Anthony Woodley
Writer: Anthony Woodley
Stars: Billy Clarke, Luke Healy, Bernard Hill
Country: UK
Language: English
Release Date: 31 December 2012 (USA)
Filming Locations: Dunsfold Park Aerodrome, Dunsfold Park, Dunsfold, Surrey, England, UK

Set in an alternative past where steam power still rules the world, Outpost 11 is the story of three soldiers manning a remote listening post in the Arctic Circle. One day the warning light goes off unexpectedly and their world is plunged in to chaos. Albert, Mason and Graham must fight the isolation, madness and arctic spiders to survive. Think 'The Thing' plus 'How I Ended this Summer' mixed with 'Videodrome.'

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