
Watch Baler (2008) Full Movie

Baler (2008)
G 116 min - Drama | Romance | War - 25 December 2008 (Philippines)
6.6 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.6/10 from 58 users
Reviews: 5 user | 3 critic
Director: Mark Meily
Writer: Roy Iglesias (story)
Stars: Phillip Salvador, Jericho Rosales, Anne Curtis  »

Baler the love story of Feliza Reyes (Anne Curtis) and Celso Resureccion (Jericho Rosales) set against the backdrop of the 337 days Siege of Baler. Feliza is the daughter of a Filipino rebel commander while Celso is a soldier of the Spanish Army, the son of a Pampanguena and a Spaniard. Amidst war, Feliza and Celso struggle to keep their love alive. Feliza defies his father (Phillip Salvador) who hates the Spaniards with a fervor. Celso is a soldier loyal to the Spanish Army, even as his love for Feliza pulls him in the other direction.

The Siege of Baler is one of the more famous battles between Spain and the Philippines. By itself, it is an interesting and remarkable story. There are many human interest stories that happened during the siege, but what better than a love story? As Lope (Mark Bautista), Celso's friend says, "Love is difficult in times of war." It is these difficulties that the movie explores more than the historical events of 1898 - 1899.

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