Ded na si Lolo (2009)
PG-13 - Comedy - 6 May 2009 (Philippines)
6.9 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.9/10
Reviews: 2 user | 4 critic
Director: Soxy Topacio (as Soxie H. Topacio)
Writer: Soxy Topacio
Stars: Roderick Paulate, Gina Alajar, Elizabeth Oropesa
Ded na si Lolo (2009)See full cast and crew »
Plot Summary
A large family with lots of issues gather together to mourn the death of the family patriarch. But getting in the way of their genuine grief are a bunch of superstitions about the dead, and the family's inability to deal with their issues in a civilized way.
- Written by ledster
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Thanks for watching Ded na si Lolo Full Movie
PG-13 - Comedy - 6 May 2009 (Philippines)
6.9 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.9/10
Reviews: 2 user | 4 critic
Director: Soxy Topacio (as Soxie H. Topacio)
Writer: Soxy Topacio
Stars: Roderick Paulate, Gina Alajar, Elizabeth Oropesa
Ded na si Lolo (2009)See full cast and crew »
Plot Summary
A large family with lots of issues gather together to mourn the death of the family patriarch. But getting in the way of their genuine grief are a bunch of superstitions about the dead, and the family's inability to deal with their issues in a civilized way.
- Written by ledster

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