
Watch Forever and a Day (2011) Full Movie

Forever and a Day (2011)
G 105 min - Drama - 15 June 2011 (Philippines)
7.1 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 7.1/10
Director: Cathy Garcia-Molina
Writers: Melissa Mae Chua (story), Melissa Mae Chua
Stars: Sam Milby, KC Concepcion, Rayver Cruz   »

Eugene (Sam Milby) arrives in Bukidnon with only one intention: to forget his problems at work. But when he meets Raffy (KC Concepcion) and as they travel and go on ridiculous and death-defying activities together, they start to form a friendship that goes beyond Euge's original plan. Raffy helps Euge appreciate himself more and to look at things in a positive way. With Raffy, Euge begins to believe in himself again. Soon, against his own expectations, he admits to himself that has fallen in love with this girl. But life is truly ironic. The moment Euge expresses his feelings for her, Raffy suddenly starts to push him away. She admits that he can never have her, and she doesn't want Eugene to hope for a happy ending with her, because she cannot be loved. Now, it is Euge's turn to make Raffy believe in love again, just as how she reminded him to believe in himself. But is faith enough to change the course of their destiny? And is his love strong enough for him to sacrifice everything for a relationship that will not last, and for a girl who will leave him soon?

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Description : Eugene (Sam Milby) arrives in Bukidnon with only one intention: to forget his problems at work. But when he meets Raffy (KC Concepcion) and as they travel and go on ridiculous and death-defying activities together, they start to form a friendship that goes beyond Eugene’s original plan. Raffy helps Eugene appreciate himself more and to look at things in a positive way. With Raffy, Eugene begins to believe in himself again. Soon, against his own expectations, he admits to himself that has fallen in love with this girl.

But life is truly ironic. The moment Eugene expresses his feelings for her, Raffy suddenly starts to push him away. She admits that he can never have her, and she doesn’t want Eugene to hope for a happy ending with her, because she cannot be loved.

Now, it is Eugene’s turn to make Raffy believe in love again, just as how she reminded him to believe in himself. But is faith enough to change the course of their destiny? And is his love strong enough for him to sacrifice everything for a relationship that will not last, and for a girl who will leave him soon?

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