
Watch Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles (2012) Full Movie

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles (2012)
PG-13 - Action | Comedy | Horror - 17 October 2012 (Philippines)
Director: Erik Matti
Writers: Erik Matti (story), Ronald Stephen Monteverde (story)
Stars: Dingdong Dantes, Joey Marquez, Lovi Poe  »

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles is a 2012 Filipino comedy-action-horror film directed by Erik Matti. The film stars Dingdong Dantes, Lovi Poe, Joey Marquez, Janice de Belen, Roi Vinzon and LJ Reyes. Dingdong Dantes, whose company Agosto Dos Pictures also serves as one of the producers, expressed his excitement while making the film thus: "We're shooting inside the studio and trying to act like there are aswangs coming after us. It's challenging."
The film is the first full-length Filipino film entirely shot on green screen chroma key. The film received mixed to positive reviews from critics who praised its visual effects while criticizing the plot.

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Description : Makoy (Dingdong Dantes) travels to Pulupandan to visit his girlfriend, Sonia (Lovie Poe) who is pregnant. All his attempts to go inside her house is ruined by Sonia's mother, Fely (Janice de Belen). Nestor (Joey Marquez), Sonia's kind-hearted father and Bart (Ramon Bautista), Nestor's trusted assistant, welcomed Makoy to the family. Because it's Sonia's birthday, Makoy, Nestor, and Bart go to the market to buy a pig, and Makoy secretly buys a flower for Sonia. As there is no available pigs in the market, they went to Bart's cousin, Ringo (Mike Gayoso). Nestor tells him it's her daughter's birthday and he'll need some pig to roast as a celebration. He also tells him her daughter's pregnant. Ringo's son, Kulot (RJ Salvador) then disguises his self as a pig. This tells the movie that Ringo's family are TIKTIKs- horrific man-eating creatures with a taste of fetuses that are still in the womb (note that Sonia is pregnant). Nestor then buys the pig and heads home.Sonia and Fely are still uncomfortable of Makoy being around during her birthday and tries to ward him off their house. Nestor apologizes to Makoy of their rude attitude. Sonia then heads back to her room at night to sleep, not even finishing her dinner. Then, the pig they bought transforms back to Kulot as a Tiktik. He heads upstairs and attacks Sonia. Makoy and Nestor, hearing her scream, went upstairs, shocked, and kills the Tiktik with an enlarged fork. The attack let them suspect that Bart is also a Tiktik because of the pig being bought to his cousin, Ringo. Bart then tells them that he has no idea they were TIKTIKs. Ringo, with the rest of his family, goes to their house to find his son. Horrified when they see Kulot dead, they then transform into Tiktiks. Makoy then holds Bart hostage. He, along with Bart, then ride Nestor's jeep in an attempt to distract them. They rode the jeep into the forest, with the Tiktiks still chasing them and destroys the jeep. Now on foot, they then go to a security checkpoint full of armed men. Makoy tells them everything he saw. They aren't convinced and that aswangs are not true. Then Ringo, now back to his human form, tells the armed men that Makoy is setting them up. As soon as the security points their gun at Makoy, Ringo and his family transforms and kills all of the armed men. They use a truck and head back home into the forest. A chase ensues. One of Ringo's sons then went in front of the truck, blocking their way but Makoy rammed his vehicle into a tree, killing him and the truck then exploded, slowing the Tiktiks in the process. While Makoy and Bart is heading back home, Nestor prepares Molotovs, which he threw at the aswangs, slowing them. Fely is still mad at Makoy's failure for killing the aswangs.

They then barricaded the house putting salt and garlic on the windows and doors on which the aswangs will burn when they touch it. Inside, Makoy still insists that Bart is an aswang. Then invited visitors come into their house, Rex (Dwight Gaston)an old friend of Nestor and his young son, Abel. They warn them that Tiktiks are around the house and they should probably leave. Ignoring this because it's Sonia's birthday, they stayed and the aswangs killed Rex. They then took Abel and sheltered him. Sonia is now laboring and the baby will come out in just a few hours.

Ringo then plans an assault into the house. The aswangs find a window the humans forgot to barricade with salt and garlic. They then entered the house quietly and killed Fely. Outraged, Nestor and Makoy kill all the aswangs inside the house. Crazy, Nestor takes Fely's heart using his knife and showed it to Ringo. Then Nestor eats Fely's heart infront of Ringo, who is envious because he is starving. Sonia tells everyone that she would rather die then her baby being eaten by aswangs. Makoy comforts her, saying everything will be alright. He proposes to her again. Everyone is gathered in the house. Bart is showing signs of transformation and Makoy tells everyone he's right all along, he's a Tiktik. But Bart disputed it showing his bite mark on his torso, indicating Bart was bitten by an aswang earlier. Ringo, angered on the death of his family, tries to charge into the house, his body severely damage caused by the salt and garlics. Then, the father of Ringo, Tatang (Roi Vinzon) arrives, with a whole bunch of people who are Tiktiks. Tatang kills Ringo and apologizes to the humans caused by the destruction of his son and his whole family. But later he changes his mind when he learns that Sonia is pregnant and will be born just minutes from the time.

Tatang then transforms all of the men he gathered into a more stronger version of Tiktiks. Bart, realizing he'll transform into an aswang, volunteers to stay behind to buy Makoy and the others some time. They said their farewells to him. Then they headed to a store. Bart then tries a last stand. Tatang orders the Tiktiks to invade the house. Bart throws Molotovs as waves and waves of Tiktiks enter until he is outnumbered. He says one last word to his "Tiktik Cousins" before dropping two Molotovs in the floor, exploding the house, killing MOST of the Tiktiks and Bart in the process.

Makoy, Sonia, Nestor, and Abel head inside a store to hide. There they encounter Pacing (Rina Reyes), the store owner. They tell her everything so far about those Tiktiks. Pacing tells them she has all the supplies needed to ward off aswangs. Then Sonia gives birth at last. But the cries of her baby attracted Tatang and the Tiktiks. Makoy and Nestor prepare their weapons: a salted Whipslash and a salted pesticide. Then Makoy and Nestor faces all of the aswangs outside while Pacing, Sonia and her child went into a salt farm (aswangs can't go near them) . Abel, wanting to avenge his father, joins Makoy and Nestor and uses Garlic Chips as a weapon. They head out for battle. Makoy gains the upper hand by slashing Tiktiks in half while Nestor sprays Pesticide( with salt inside) burning them to ashes. Abel uses a straw and inserts the Garlic Chips. The trio then succeeded killing all of them. Tatang is the only one left. As the leader of the clan, he can transform into a much bigger and stronger aswang than ever, a Winged Tiktik-Demon. The demon then takes the baby from Sonia. But as soon as it grabbed the baby, Sonia throws salt on his wings, reducing his flying ability. Then Makoy finishes it off with a slash that cuts the demon in half.

They celebrated with victory, as Makoy and Sonia are gonna be married. Makoy then gives the flower he bought from the market to Sonia and the two share a kiss.
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