
Watch Tirador (2007) Full Movie

Tirador (2007)
R-13 86 min - Crime | Drama - 11 March 2008 (USA)
6.8 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.8/10 from 167 users Metascore: 64/100
Reviews: 3 user | 13 critic | 5 from
Director: Brillante Mendoza
Writer: Ralston Jover (story)
Stars: Jiro Manio, Coco Martin, Kristoffer King   »

"Tirador or "slingshot", is an independent film by Brillante Mendoza. The Centerstage Productions movie illustrates politics and faith in the Philippines, as well as the plight of the Filipino people who live in poverty. Tirador has been shown at different film festivals in Toronto, Singapore, Granada, Pusan and in Marrakesh where it won the International Special Jury Prize. Tirador refers to somebody who makes a hit (tira); it may refer to a hired killer, drug addict or thief.

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Description : Robbed of their future, now they must rob for a living. An aging man and his young son, a married couple, a young father of an infant, an 18-year-old delinquent, and a 23-year-old pedicab driver with a dysfunctional family all live an old dilapidated tenement building in Quiapo. But this is not all they have in common. They are a bunch of TIRADORS-local slang for petty thieves. Some snatch jewelry, others dare to steal electronics displayed in stores and sidewalks, and one of them acts like Robin Hood – sharing his meager takings to those in need. As they approach Holy Week and an upcoming national election, each has to go through the motions of committing crimes and suffering its consequences against a backdrop of politicians feverishly campaigning and promising a better life for them. - See more at:
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