Ang babae sa bintana (1998)
R-18 103 min - Action | Drama | Thriller - 25 December 1998 (Philippines)
6.1 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.1/10 from 17 users
Director: Chito S. Roño
Writer: Roy Iglesias
Stars: Rosanna Roces, Richard Gomez, John Estrada
Babae Sa Bintana contemplates the likehood of a world where the city ceases to be a symbol of progress, and becomes a mere showcase of lives ruined by modernity's failures. Suffering severely from depression after being left by his wife, Mitch (Gomez) finds momentary distraction with the woman who just moved into the house infront of his- Jack (Roces). Her beauty is one thing that saves Mitch from hopelessness and desperation, but is also the very thing that unconsciously pushes him into the dangerous and inexplicable underworld of Manila. Their precarious affair turns into perilous conflict, brought about by their descent into the dark, decaying streets of the capital city, where corruption and organized crime prevail. Only narrow alley separates and their encounter signifies the clash of the two different worlds they represent. A suspense-mystery unfolds, as well as a political commentary on the lives of a people trying to find the means to negotiate between poverty and the unfulfilled promises of prosperity.

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