
Watch My Bestfriend's Girlfriend (2008) Full Movie

My Bestfriend's Girlfriend (2008)
PG-13 115 min - Comedy | Drama | Romance - 13 February 2008 (Philippines)
6.2 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.2/10 from 202 users
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After an awkward yet memorable encounter at a stag party, Evo (Richard Gutierrez) and Grace (Marian Rivera) thought they would never see each other again. Little did they know that Grace is... See full summary »

Director: Mark A. Reyes (as Mark A. Reyes V)
Writer: Suzette Doctolero (screenplay)
Stars: Richard Gutierrez, Marian Rivera, JC de Vera

After an awkward yet memorable encounter at a stag party, Evo (Richard Gutierrez) and Grace (Marian Rivera) thought they would never see each other again. Little did they know that Grace is actually the girlfriend of Evo's best friend, Mark ('JC de Vera'). As the arrogant player that he is, Evo takes advantage of what happened at the party to make Grace agree to his demands. He forces Grace to pretend as his girlfriend to make Akiko (Ehra Madrigal), his ex, jealous. But, they will accidentally fall in love to each other.
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Grace is a dancer who comes out of a huge cake in a stag party attended by Evo, who's surprised when he learns later that Grace is the girlfriend of his best friend. When Evo is dumped by his own girlfriend, he hires Grace to pretend to be his new girl to make Ehra jealous, leading to some unexpected complications.
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Description : After an awkward yet memorable encounter at a stag party, Evo (Richard Gutierrez) and Grace (Marian Rivera) thought they would never see each other again. Little did they know that Grace is actually the girlfriend of Evo's best friend, Mark (JC de Vera). As the arrogant player that he is, Evo takes advantage of what happened at the party to make Grace agree to his demands. He forces Grace to pretend as his girlfriend to make Akiko (Ehra Madrigal), his ex, jealous.

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