
Watch Once a Princess (2014) Full Movie

Once a Princess (2014)
PG-13 115 min - Drama | Romance - 6 August 2014 (Philippines)

Director: Laurice Guillen
Writers: Angel Bautista (based on the novel by), Karen Ramos (screenplay)
Stars: Erich Gonzales, Enchong Dee, JC de Vera

Once upon a time, a princess named Erin Almeda played the innocent heart of their school geek, Leonard Jamieson. Seven years later, they crossed paths. And it seemed like their roles have been reversed.

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Description : Erin Almeda came from a rich family and was always known by her nickname "Princess". She ends up breaking up with her geeky classmate Leonard Jamieson by pretending that she was only using him. She is then faced with many difficult trails after her family went bankrupt. 7 years later, Leonard is unexpectedly reunited with Erin who is married to his high school rival Damian.
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