
Watch Tirador (2007) Full Movie

Tirador (2007)
R-13 86 min - Crime | Drama - 11 March 2008 (USA)
6.8 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.8/10 from 170 users Metascore: 64/100
Director: Brillante Mendoza
Writer: Ralston Jover (story)
Stars: Jiro Manio, Coco Martin, Kristoffer King

Tirador or "slingshot", is an independent film by Brillante Mendoza. The Centerstage Productions movie illustrates politics and faith in the Philippines, as well as the plight of the Filipino people who live in poverty. Tirador has been shown at different film festivals in Toronto, Singapore, Granada, Pusan and in Marrakesh where it won the International Special Jury Prize. Tirador refers to somebody who makes a hit (tira); it may refer to a hired killer, drug addict or thief.

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Description : The movie is about the intertwined lives of Caloy, Leo, Rex and Odie. All of them live in the depressed slum area of Quiapo, Manila. The film takes place during Holy Week amidst the 2007 elections. It represents Manila as swarming with criminals -- snatchers, pickpockets, drug pushers, shoplifters and the like. However, these petty criminals are portrayed as nothing compared to the corrupt, hypocritical politicians who make false promises, exploit poverty and call on God for help.
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