
Watch The Gifted (2014) Full Movie

The Gifted (2014)
R-13 - Comedy | Horror | Romance - 3 September 2014 (Philippines)
7.5 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 7.5/10 from 11 users
Reviews: 1 user

Director: Chris Martinez
Writer: Chris Martinez (story)
Stars: Anne Curtis, Cristine Reyes, Sam Milby  »

Childhood best friends who are both geniuses in school eventually become bittersweet rivals for campus athlete Mark Ferrer. Zoe Tuazon is a rich, overweight and aggressive mestiza, while Aica Tabayoyong is a poor nerdy student with a bad case of teenage acne and nearsightedness. In an effort to outsmart and outclass each other, Zoe and Aica each undergo cosmetic surgery and become ravishing vixens engaged in ugly confrontations.
- Written by segue123
Childhood best friends who are both geniuses in school eventually become bittersweet rivals for campus athlete Mark Ferrer. In an effort to outsmart and outclass each other, Zoe Tuazon and Aica Tabayoyong each undergo cosmetic surgery and become ravishing vixens engaged in ugly confrontations.
- Written by segue123

Description : It is about two girls who are gifted with extremely high IQ, whose friendship starts as a competitive phase in the beginning but when a man comes into the phase the real problem escalates and what ensues is a fight to the finish for a man to be their reward as an accomplishment.

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