
Watch Tarot 2009 Full Movie

Tarot (2009)
PG-13 105 min - Drama | Fantasy | Horror - 26 August 2009 (Philippines)
6.8 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.8/10

Director: Jun Lana
Writers: Jun Lana (story), Elmer L. Gatchalian (story)
Stars: Marian Rivera, Dennis Trillo, Roxanne Guinoo
Description : "As a young child Cara has the habit of observing her grandmother, Lola Auring(Gloria Romero) at work. She is a tarot reader by profession, and hergranddaughter slowly develops her talent and accurately predicted the eruption ofMount Pinatubo in 1991 and the death of two of her family members; her fatherand grandmother. Cara's psychic ability seems to bring bad luck to her familyrather than good luck. Concerned with her natural ability to predict future events, Cara's mother (Susan Africa) forbids her to read tarot cards, and the cards are laid to rest with hergrandmother inside the coffin. Many years later the adult Cara (Marian Rivera) isto reopen her grandmother's coffin to seek the tarot cards' help to locate hermissing fiancé, Miguel (Dennis Trillo) when both were separated while hiking in the forest. eventually finds him, but mysterious deaths start to affect people around her.Cara learns that it was related to the curse on her grandmother during her youthdays, where she was part of a cult that worshiped the tarot cards. Other memberscommitted suicide and Auring decided not to join them, and the curse spreads to his family members including Cara herself. Now Cara must find a way to stop thiscurse before more people becomes the victim ... "


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