R-18 115 min - Action | Crime | Drama - 21 August 2002 (Philippines)
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Director: Quark Henares
Writer: Quark Henares
Stars: Maui Taylor, Wendell Ramos, Jordan Herrera
Cathy, a young and innocent freshman, had a crush on senior hunk, Nick, the campus' basketball star. One day, he came to her and asked her to have dinner and drive her home. One thing led to another until she ended up giving her virginity not knowing that he made a bet with his friends. He dumped her right after he got what he wanted without any explanation. Filled with hatred she seduced Louie, her classmate who had a crush on her, to get back at him - and as a favor she would go to bed with him. Things got out of hand and led to a tragic ending.
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