
Watch Jupiter Ascending (2015) Movie Full Movie

Jupiter Ascending (2015)
127 min - Action | Adventure | Fantasy - 6 February 2015 (USA)
6.0 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 6.0/10 from 12,200 users Metascore: 40/100
Reviews: 143 user | 198 critic | 38 from

Directors: Andy Wachowski (as The Wachowskis) , Lana Wachowski (as The Wachowskis)
Writers: Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski
Stars: Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Eddie Redmayne

In a bright and colorful future, a young destitute caretaker gets targeted by the ruthless son of a powerful family who lives on a planet in need of a new heir, so she travels with a genetically engineered warrior to the planet in order to stop his tyrant reign.

Description : Jupiter Ascending is a 2015 space opera[4] film written, produced, and directed by Lana and Andy Wachowski. Starring Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis, the film is centered on Jupiter Jones (Kunis), a down-on-her-luck cleaning woman, and Caine Wise (Tatum), an interplanetary warrior who informs Jones that her destiny extends beyond Earth. Supporting cast member Douglas Booth has described the film's universe as a cross between The Matrix and Star Wars[5][6][7] while Kunis named its underlying themes indulgence[8] and consumption.[9][10][11]

The film was co-produced by Grant Hill, who acted as executive producer on The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions and as producer on V for Vendetta, Speed Racer, Ninja Assassin, and Cloud Atlas, making Jupiter Ascending his seventh collaboration with the Wachowskis. Several more longstanding Wachowski collaborators since the creation of The Matrix films have contributed to the picture,[12] including production designer Hugh Bateup, visual effects supervisor Dan Glass, visual effects designer John Gaeta, supervising sound editor Dane Davis and costume designer Kym Barrett. Other notable past collaborators include Speed Racer's composer Michael Giacchino, Cloud Atlas' director of photography John Toll along with its editor Alexander Berner and hair and make-up designer Jeremy Woodhead, who worked on both.

The film has received generally negative reviews; critics generally praised the ambition of the film and the visual effects, but criticism tended to be heavier, focusing on poor acting, an over-reliance on special effects, and the cluttered storyline. Keywords : Watch movie online | Watch Jupiter Ascending (2015)online | Online movies | Movies free Jupiter Ascending (2015)| Jupiter Ascending (2015)online movie | Watch free movie online | Watch Jupiter Ascending (2015)online movies | Free Tagalog Movie | Pinoy Movies | Asian Movies | Hollywood Movies | War Movies | Animated Movies | Bollywood Movies | Tagalog movie online | Watch free tagalog movie online Thanks for watching Jupiter Ascending (2015) Full Movie

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