Dyesebel (1990)
Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 1991 (Philippines)
or the lovely mermaid – Dyesebel (Alice Dixson), to be a real human was a dream that would never come true and the possibility of falling in love will just remain an imagination. But the moment she laid her dreamy eyes on the handsome Edward (Richard Gomez), Dyesebel discovers that love is the only miracle she has been waiting for. With the help of a magical shell, Dyesebel gains herself human legs which paved the way for her to finally meet her true love. Fire and water became one when Dyesebel and Edward met, and both were adrift in the shores of true love. As they both swim in the sea of love and romance, unbeknownst to them, Edward’s obsessive lover – Malou (Nadia Montenegro) threatens to sink their love story into a maelstrom by revealing Dyesebel’s true identity. Will Edward still love Dyesebel despite the shocking revelation?
Director: Mel Chionglo
Writers: Ricardo Lee (story), Mars Ravelo (novel)
Stars: Alice Dixson, Richard Gomez, Nadia Montenegro
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