
Watch Pasukob 2007 Full Movie

Pasukob (2007)
G | Comedy | 28 November 2007 (Philippines)

Pasukob is the story of two sisters who were separated as children. Before they got separated, however, a curse was placed on their heads. One sister, Julia, would have horrible luck all her life, and any man who married her would die on their child’s first breath. The other, Jenny, would lead a charmed life. Twenty-five years later, they meet up again through a series of coincidences, and they attempt to get to the bottom of the curse.

Director: Wenn V. Deramas
Writers: Wenn V. Deramas (story), Mel Mendoza-Del Rosario (story)
Stars: Ai-Ai de las Alas, Rufa Mae Quinto, Allan K.

0:00 / 05:18

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