Jake (Jeffrey Quizon) is a caretaker at a boarding residence that houses a whole array of characters-- a born-again couple with an addiction for porn movies, a nymphet masquerading as a shy school girl, a virgin discovering her lustful predilections. Through the holes, he has carved on the ceiling, with surreptitious perfection. Jake has become privy to their most intimate and darkest secrets. Keeping a watchful eye on these people is not just a means to satisfy his carnal curiosity it is an addiction that makes him feel like a god. But one day his life changes when he hovers over the lives of newlyweds Cecilia (Katya Santos) and Ding (Allen Dizon), her husband. While his eyes feast on the couple's sexual encounters, Jake develops a connection with Cecilia that he has never experienced before. For the first time, here is a woman who has shown him the real meaning of beauty. However, one night he takes on a careless turn triggering an incident that will eventually set a confrontation with Cecilia.
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