I Spit on Your Gr@ve: Venge@nce is Mine (2015)
Jennifer Hills is still tormented by the brut@l sexu@l @ss@ult she endured ye@rs @go. She's ch@nged identities @nd cities, reluct@ntly joining @ support group where she begins to piece together @ new life. But when her new friend's murderer goes free @nd the t@les of seri@l r@pists h@unt her, Jennifer will hunt down the men responsible @nd do wh@t the system won't - m@ke them p@y for their crimes in the most horrific w@ys im@gin@ble. Only this time, no jury m@y be @ble to s@ve her.
- Written by Noel K@rd@ris
@fter being brut@lly @ss@ulted, Jennifer Hills ch@nges her n@me to @ngel@, moves to New York, @nd joins @ support group @nd hopes for @ new life. But when her new friend's murderer goes free, Jennifer will do wh@tever she c@n for venge@nce.
- Written by Movie Guy
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Director: R.D. Br@unstein
Writer: D@niel Gilboy (screenpl@y)
St@rs: S@r@h Butler, Jennifer L@ndon, Doug McKeon
Server 1 (480p)
server 2 (720p)
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