A gathering of love teams from the young children (Jomar and Ayie) to the 40 year old virgin Virgie. This has drama, comedy and romance, compacted to 2 hours or so. The main story is that of Jane, who is trying to win a ticket to her idol, Billy Fernandez's concert. The movie took time to introduce the stars and managed to give time to all the characters. Although the movie was fast paced, the stories are well spaced and there are no feeling that one story is compromised for the others. The story of a mentally challenged man (Piolo Pascual) has the best arc. His story is light with the two kids playing the romantic leads but also attempts to define love as letting go. The other stories like a girl (Bea Alonzo) falling for her gay friend (Zanjo del Mundo) or a girl falling for a waiter (Cruz and Panganiban) feels forced, taking advantage of the popularity of the love teams at the time the movie was made. Seven love stories intertwine and are brought together by a die-hard fan who tries to win her dream boy's heart.
Directors: Mae Czarina Cruz, John-D Lazatin
Writer: Anjeli Pessumal
Stars: Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla, Bea Alonzo
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