Five successful women named Georgia, Chloe, Stella, Ina, and Charley who share the same secret - they all have an affair with a married man.
So fun to watch, lots of funny moments. Good story telling and good characters. The actresses are convincing even Kris Aquino. The only thing that kept it from being perfect 10 is the corny ending. Bakit lahat may happy ever after? It's okay that Kim Chu's character is able to get out of this life since she is new lang. It's apt that Claudine's character left for abroad as she was heartbroken. But why do they have to pretend that in real life Georgia's (KrisA) character is ever going to get out of that life? In real life, 10 years later, Georgia is still going to be a mistress. She's the Perfect Mistress nga eh. Why pretend that she's going to get out of it in 3 years and have babies? Korny. Sayang ang film
Director: Chito S. Roño
Writers: Jullie Yap Daza
Stars: Kris Aquino, Kim Chiu, Claudine Barretto
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