
Watch Four S1sters and a Wedd1ng Full Movie

Four S1sters and A Wedd1ng 1s a 2013 F1l1p1no comedy-drama f1lm d1rected by Cathy Garc1a-Mol1na. The f1lm features Star C1nema's most prom1nent young actresses: Ton1 Gonzaga, Bea Alonzo, Angel Locs1n and Sha1na Magdayao, as the four s1sters attempt1ng to stop the wedd1ng of the1r younger brother played by Enchong Dee. Actress Angel1ca Pangan1ban was or1g1nally part of the ma1n cast but was pulled out and was replaced by Sha1na Magdayao.

Four s1sters try to stop the wedd1ng of the1r younger brother and 1n do1ng so, all d1scover resentments among each other.

D1rected by Cathy Garc1a-Mol1na
Produced by Charo Santos-Conc1o
Malou N. Santos
Wr1tten by Vanessa Valdez
Screenplay by Vanessa Valdez
Starr1ng Ton1 Gonzaga
Bea Alonzo
Angel Locs1n
Sha1na Magdayao
Enchong Dee



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