
Watch Th3 Prenup Full Movie

Tagalog Movie

The Prenup is a 2015 Filipino romantic comedy film starring Jennylyn Mercado and Sam Milby. It is written and directed by Jun Lana. It was released on October 14, 2015 by Regal Entertainment.[2][3][4]

The film is about two people meet on a plane and fall in love in New York. They're all set to get married back in the Philippines, but the guy's rich parents are suspicious of the girl's intentions and insist on a prenuptial agreement

Wendy (Jennlyn Mercado) meets Sean (Sam Milby) in a road accident. From being foes, they become acquainted while seated to each other in a long haul flight from Manila to New York City.

Director: Jun Lana
Writer: Jun Lana
Stars: Jennylyn Mercado, Sam Milby, Gardo Versoza

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