
Watch Watch Yanggaw (2008) Full Movie Full Movie


Yanggaw is a horror film written and directed by Richard Somes. Even the names of the character are a takeoff to names of endearment by Ilonggos such as Toto and Inday. Even garbling the names upon dictation has crazed the audience who are watching it (most of them are Ilonggos). They are chuckling at how spontaneous the actors are (which I feel that most of the lines are adlib). They could have been so at ease with their mother dialect and that the essence of creating a horror atmosphere obnubilated by the inept script. Of course it is admirable to express amusement with how we relate to the rich language of Hiligaynon. It's just disappointing because I understand it very well and it sounds like an honest mistake – really.

A young girl develops an unknown infection that causes her to evolve into a horrifying monster.
Director: Richard Somes
Writers: Richard Somes
Stars: Ronnie Lazaro, Tetchie Agbayani, Joel Torre

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