Green Paradise (2007)
R-18 - Drama | Romance - 21 November 2007 (Philippines)
5.0 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 5.0/10
Reviews: write review | 1 critic
Directors: Kant Leung, Esmeraldo Santos (as Esmeraldo 'Bing' Santos)
Writer: Dinno Erece (story)
Stars: Cristine Reyes, Andrew Schimmer, Kris Martinez
Watch Tagalog Movie A boy from Manila travels to a resort with a couple of his friends. There, he falls in love with a pretty pineapple vendor whose father dreams of a better life. Through the father’s manipulations, they all end up in a web of seduction and deceit.
Thanks for watching Green Paradise Full Movie
R-18 - Drama | Romance - 21 November 2007 (Philippines)
5.0 Your rating: -/10 Ratings: 5.0/10
Reviews: write review | 1 critic
Directors: Kant Leung, Esmeraldo Santos (as Esmeraldo 'Bing' Santos)
Writer: Dinno Erece (story)
Stars: Cristine Reyes, Andrew Schimmer, Kris Martinez
Watch Tagalog Movie A boy from Manila travels to a resort with a couple of his friends. There, he falls in love with a pretty pineapple vendor whose father dreams of a better life. Through the father’s manipulations, they all end up in a web of seduction and deceit.

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